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The Interpreter of Black and White Films

The Interpreter of Black and White Films

She is Nelly Chervenusheva. Cinema lovers know only her voice. For almost half a century Nelly has been translating the great Italian cinema from the bottom of the hall into the Odeon cinema. The cabin is 1.30 by 1.50 meters. And "all of Italy" has fit into this miserable space. And Nelly has never set foot in Italy. The film shows Nelly's tragically belated first love affair with Italy - now 78 years old, she is in places she has only seen in the movies. She is finally with "her princes" Ettore Scola and Mario Monicelli. With tender and ruthless sentimentality, the film reveals this belated realization of human dreams.

The Interpreter of Black and White Films
Cast & Crew
  • Documentary, Bulgaria, 56 min, 2007

    Director:Stefan Moskov

    Screenplay:Hristo Dimitrov and Stefan Moskov
    Cameraman: Hristo Dimitrov - Hindi
    Music: Anthony Donchev
    With the participationof Nelly Chervenusheva
    Production: ARS Digital Studio - Ivan Tonev

    With the support of the National Film Center Executive Agency

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      Филми, Телевизионни Предавания, Режисьори и Филмово Студио

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