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Traveling cinema

Traveling cinema

A tragicomic satire about cinema, in which a couple of ex-filmmakers meet to hit the road with a rickety camper van, a few discs of old films and the subconscious feeling that the past can become the present, that memory can rekindle old hopes and provide new horizons.
A story in which myth is self-destructed by the great battles of everyday life, and reality is always different from what is told in the movies.
And the old...,and the new...!
There remains, perhaps, only the indestructible myth of love, seeking support in the concrete embraces of the beloved or in that painful and unrealizable mirage of the perfect film...

Traveling cinema
Cast & Crew
  • feature film, drama, comedy, Bulgaria, 2019, 125 minutes

    Director:Ilia Kostov
    With: Katerina Evro, Lyuben Chatalov, Yuri Angelov, Christian Makarov, Vasil Banov, Vasil Vasilev-Zueka, Boris Lukanov, Meglena Karalambova, Robert Yanakiev, Andrey Slabakov, Kristina Krasteva, Katya Bliznakova, Dosso Dosev, Biser Marinov
    Script by: Iliya Kostov
    Producer: Iliya Kostov
    Music: Dimo Stoyanov-P.I.F.
    Director of Photography: Martin Dimitrov, Yaroslav Yachev

    Producer: NIKE-I

    Post-production:ARS Studio

    With the support of the National Film Center Executive Agency

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      Филми, Телевизионни Предавания, Режисьори и Филмово Студио

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