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Balkan Harmony: Truth or Dream

Music "twins" virtuosos from neighboring countries and proves that only art can give birth to cosmic harmony in a "bubbling" territory.

Teodosii Spasov can master everything - folklore, jazz, classics. He writes music. He performs alone, with friends and with world philharmonics. In recent years, he has organized projects that connect the people of the Balkans so that they can forget the contradictions and find joy in their common roots through music.

The talent and spirituality of musicians from Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria are contagious. Theodosius, Boyan, Martin, Costas and others are not a regional phenomenon, they spread their Balkan identity with tours on three continents, but they are happiest when they are at home, because here they have a double mission - to play and work for the Balkans "twinning".

Balkan Harmony: Truth or Dream
Cast & Crew
  • Documentary , Bulgaria, 2016, 75 minutes

    Screenwriter and director: Atanas Kiryakov

    Cameramen: Ivan Tonev, Dimitar Mitov

    Music: Theodosius Spasov

    Production: Ars Digital Studio

    With the support of the National Film Center Executive Agency and the EU Media Program

    Teodosii Spasov sets the tone for harmony in the Balkans

      Филми, Телевизионни Предавания, Режисьори и Филмово Студио

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