The Achilles heel
Cast & Crew
Dimitar Dimov's last unfinished novel is the title of an unconventional documentary about the writer, created in honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth in 2009 / June 25, 1909 - April 1, 1966 /
"He chose his profession as a veterinarian, following his dream of living in Latin America, but remained a writer and the greatest classic in Bulgarian literature of the second half of the twentieth century."
A mosaic of memories, archives, photographs and faces presents the author's world between yesterday and today with different perspectives on his talent, presence, habits, obsessions, fears, and petty vices. In contemporary form, the film explores the mystery within a talent.
With Anna Svitkova - curator of the Dimitar Dimov house-museum, Lilyana Dimova and Lena Levcheva - wives, Sibila Dimova - daughter, Malina Poplilova - godmother, Prof. Angel Todorov - student and assistant to Prof. Dimov, Mihail Nedelchev - literary critic, Nikola Korabov - director of the film adaptation of the novel "Tobacco", Dilyana Kovacheva - lecturer at the University of Grenada, Lyudmila Geneva - sister, the voice of the late wife Nelly Dospevska.
2010 - XVIII Festival of Bulgarian documentary and animated cinema "Golden Rhyton" in Plovdiv - special award of the jury for: "masterful penetration into the spiritual and intimate world of a Bulgarian author of European scale"
- Keywords
- Genres
- Release DateFebruary 18, 2024
- Languages
- Countries