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Twisted World

Twisted World

"Everyone has a burp, mine must have been two! All my life one digs to bury me, the other resurrects me... All my life! From before I was even born."
Conceived out of wedlock in a society that doesn't accept that, Milou comes into this world against all odds. Constantly on the edge of life and death, of love and hate, of revenge and forgiveness.
Milou is the anti-hero. Milu - the little man. The lame Mileu.
He has struggled with the twisted world he lived in throughout his whole life and finally, struck by an insight he realized: "One cannot die upon some whimsy! One has to have his whole life to live and to build his own faith! Life has to be lived throughout!"

Филми, Телевизионни Предавания, Режисьори и Филмово Студио

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